Steps To Restore Your Balance

Wow do I need a vacation!

Have you ever said that? Perhaps even after returning from a vacation?

So often the rest and relaxation that you promised yourself was not as restorative as you had hoped!

Been There Done That

I know I have done that.

One time after returning from a great vacation and feeling exhausted, I asked myself, am I really that tired and in need of a vacation or am I just telling myself that story? What I got was … it’s mostly a story!

So I did what I usually do, I did “return to sender” on all of the stuff I had taken on from others and did Clearing Statements® on it too. It made me feel so much better!

Did that mean I was “out of balance”? Maybe. Mostly what it was for me was that I had bought into other people telling me how exhausting all that must have been for me and that I should have rested more and blah, blah, blah, rather than actually asking if that was true for me. Once I started asking questions, I realized how much of that stuff was not mine so I asked how I could change it!!!

How often have you created the perfect vision of what rest and relaxation SHOULD look like and how you SHOULD act and feel during and after it? Does it ever turn out exactly the way you envisioned?

I have noticed that for me, whenever I have an expectation of what my “time off” SHOULD be like and what I will do during it and how I SHOULD feel afterwards, it never really turns out that way. Then when I allow myself to be upset or disappointed about not receiving the “expected outcome” that that is when I actually do start feeling exhausted and out of balance.

How To Do It

You may ask, “So what did you actually do to change it?”

Well, I am so glad that you asked!

You see, what I realized about some of my “vacations” is that I tend to neglect my energy and relaxation practices because, well, I’m on vacation, do I really need to practice relaxing?!? The answer for me is usually, YES I do because often being in strange locations and around lots of people often exhausts me and I need to clear.

So whether that is true for you or not, you can still benefit from the practice that I use to rebalance myself whether it is after a vacation, following a stressful situation, strain from everyday life or when you are neglecting caring for you.

How do you change it? Start asking questions about it such as:

  • Who does this belong to?” — It will most likely lighten up (feel lighter and less exhausting)
  • Is it mine?” — If you get a “No”, then say “Return it to sender with consciousness attached”. If you get a “Yes”, then it’s time for some clearing. Even if you get a “No”, the following clearing exercise can help.

Then, listen to this energy clearing exercise that I created. It can really help you to let go of stuff that isn’t working for you and is weighing you down. Click here to listen on YouTube

Then do something just for you: get out into nature, take a long shower or bath, ride your bicycle, play with the cat or dog, whatever it is that nourishes YOU.

If one thing isn’t enough to restore you then do 2 or 5 or 10!!

You’re worth it!!

Until next time, my friend, remember to take care of you!

If you’d like a few more tips on releasing stress, check out my eBook “7 Easy Steps To Release Stress Relax, Release and Rejuvenate” by clicking the button below