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Dawn offers the following classes

See the event calendar for the currently scheduled classes or contact Dawn at 321-261-5975 or for more information


Access Consciousness Bars® Training

$440 for first-time students,
$220 if repeating

The class teaches you how to perform Access Consciousness Bars® sessions. This is a great eight hours filled with video, lots of hands-on, the latest instruction manual, snacks, lots of fun, and tools to create the life you truly desire.

The Bars® is a fantastic tool that can help you release your blocks and move forward in your life with ease and joy!

Anyone can learn the Bars!

LMTs receive 8 Florida-approved CEs

Each class includes:

  • Coaching by a Licensed Access Bars Facilitator
  • Viewing “Access The Bars” video where founders, Gary Douglas and Dain Heer, personally demonstrate the technique
  • Receiving two full Bars sessions
  • Running/giving two full Bars sessions
  • Receipt of the comprehensive manual, in-depth head charts, and other information to assist you in running Access Bars as a practitioner for others.


Access Consciousness Bars® Gifting and Receiving

Investment: $10 for practitioners

In this session, you will receive an Access Consciousness Bars® treatment. Practitioners will gift and receive full sessions, others will receive mini sessions.

LMT’s who have taken the Bars® class will receive 2 Florida-approved CE’s


Access Consciousness® Body Processes

In these sessions you will learn, gift, and receive an Access Consciousness® Body Process.

There are over 50 Access Consciousness body processes. Each class is 4 hours and the investment is $150 each. Here are a few of the processes:

BIOMIMETIC MIMICRY – this can help you begin to undo the mimicry you are doing of other people’s bodies.

CIRCUITRY – Can help animals and people that have suffered some kind of trauma to the body or have chronic conditions that they can’t get over.

CORRECTING VISION – helps with vision problems and traumatic experiences to the eyes

ELIMINATION & ERADICATION OF THE ALLERGIC SOLIDIFICATION OF REALITY RESPONSES OF DISAGREEMENT – This process can help with Auto-Immune System & Adrenal Problems (Rheumatoid Arthritis).



RESTORATION OF COMMUNION WITH EARTH – can help to restore the communion and connection with the earth that is possible for us and our bodies.

RESTORATION OF IMMUNOCYTOSIS – can help the body’s immune system

RESTORATION OF INFINITE FLEXIBILITY – can help with the stiffness and lack of flexibility that bodies take on as part of the “normal” aging process.

RESTORATION OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY & FUNCTION – Can help restore structural integrity & function of the body.

TRIFOLD SEQUENCING SYSTEMS – Can help with PTSD and physical complaints when the cause of the pain was trauma, especially an accident that was emotionally or physically shocking enough that the person keeps looping back to the same story continuously. They can’t go beyond it.

Please contact Dawn if you’d like to schedule a class


Cellular Memory

Investment $150

This Access Consciousness® body process unlocks and releases trauma so the tissue/body returns to its natural state – which is to heal.

Cellular memory is about unlocking the cells from a point of view in which they’ve been stuck so that they can go back to doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Cellular memory, unlocks the discordant memory of the cell, erasing the memory of the trauma that the cell has not let go of

Cellular memory is used to undo the effects of trauma, recent or old, and scar tissue in the body

LMTs receive 4 Florida-approved CEs


MTVSS: Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System

Investment $150

This Access Consciousness® body process boosts and stimulates the immune system and restores the body to its natural function

MTVSS is one of the most dynamic hands-on tools in Access.  MTVSS is often the “tool of choice” for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning.  IT can have a major effect on the immune system, especially when done on the joints, as an immune system booster or overall body immune system stimulant.

It is also useful to undo programming which has distorted the blueprint of our body’s natural function to that of traumatic injury.  It can allow our bodies to function with more ease during sports, workouts, or exertion.

Can help heal scars by relieving the underlying memories

Wherever you are living in lack and limitation, this helps add ease to your life.

LMTs receive 4-Florida approved CEs