Changing A Molecule Of Stupidity

On October 14, Gary Douglas and Dain Heer did a call titled Changing the Trajectory of COVID.

It covered so much more than just COVID. They covered creating a sustainable Earth, dissolving rightness, changing stupidity and more. If you got the invitation (the subject was “We’d Like Your Help: Changing the Trajectory of COVID-19”), it has the link to download the call. DO IT!! Get that call! Actually, you can download it from the original email here

The one thing I really liked was the section on changing molecules. I am including in this post the molecules they asked us to change. One item was stupidity.

To change stupidity, what could that create in the world? There is a difference between stupidity and stupid. Stupidity is what you do to cut off your awareness. Stupid is somebody who doesn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain. Stupid is uneducated. Stupidity is unawareness

To change anything requires changing only one molecule. To do that, do the following

  • Expand out 100,000 miles in all directions.
  • Now look back at planet Earth.
  • Now do the following to change the molecules:
    • Look at the one molecule you can change that will create a sustainable, living, conscious Earth and ask to turn the polarity of that molecule.
    • .
    • Look at all the people who are stuck in being right, and turn the one molecule that will dissolve their rightness and create more consciousness on the planet.
    • .
    • Look at the one molecule of stupidity that you can change that is holding in place the stupidity for the entire planet and ask to turn the polarity of that molecule.

Do this at least once every day.


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