Being The Change Or Avoiding It?

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy

Do you want to change the world?

What will that take?

Are you willing to change YOU in order to do it?

Often people are resistant to changing themselves or the way they do things because they believe they are right or that they finally got this thing right!

What if you DO need to make changes in order to create the change you want to see in the world?

Are you being coachable?

Or are you stubbornly “right”?

I get it.

I want to be authentic. I want YOU to be authentic.

I want you to have the life you desire.

And yet …  you may need to make some changes in your life to create a new and improved life.

I have definitely made changes in MY life.

I have released a lot of things and a lot of ways of doing things and even a lot of people in order to make my life more of what I truly desire. And I won’t say that all of it was easy because some of it was very difficult.

And yet, coming out of the aftermath of some of those changes really showed me how much what I was releasing and changing had been holding me back, sometimes even holding me “hostage” because I believed that those things were necessary to my life.

I had to start asking whether those things, ways, and people were really “creating nourishing my life” or were they “destroying and limiting my life.”

So, when you are up against the wall and saying that you want to change or that you want to change your life, ask yourself those questions about the people in your life, your way of living life and of showing up, and the things you are doing in your life.

Ask are they really “creating nourishing my life” or were they “destroying and limiting my life”? Are they holding me back from creating what I would like to have and be and do or are they supporting me?

It might be time for some changes.

Change can really look good on you!


Want to know more about questions and how to ask more effective questions?

Check out my eBook, “5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!