Clouds Make The Sunset

Thoughts on Thursday

For over 20 years I drove east to work at the Kennedy Space Center. I got to see hundreds of amazing sunrises! It was a phenomenal start to my day!

Now I love taking pictures of sunrises and sunsets, mostly at the ocean where we live.

It amazes me how beautiful the colors, shapes and light can be amongst the clouds.

Once someone told me that one of my pictures looked so depressing and distressing because of the clouds. You see, to her the clouds made it look like a storm brewing and that depressed her.

I thought that was so strange that she thought that because to me the clouds really make the beauty of the sunrise.

It’s the clouds that catch the light and make all of the beautiful colors show up. It’s the clouds that break the light into rays that peek out from little cracks and openings in the clouds to provide the character of the sunrise or the sunset.

Without the clouds, the light is beautiful, but it doesn’t have the uniqueness, beauty, color or character that it has when there are clouds present.

As I reflected upon that I was struck by the notion that the same is true of life. It is the clouds, the difficulties, the struggles that often result in the biggest changes and biggest shifts in life that then move you so much faster forward.

When the clouds roll in, it may seem difficult at the time, yet it is creating a change that so often is exactly what you have been asking to create. Your whole life can become new again and you can choose where to go from there, what to keep and what to discard.

I know it is sometimes difficult to be grateful for the cloudy, difficult times because you don’t see that it will create something beneficial in your lives. I often tell people to look for what this is doing for them, what it is helping them release, what it is bringing into their lives or clearing out of their lives.

I ask them to have gratitude for whatever that will bring to them, even if they can’t see what that is. I ask them to know that there will be changes and they can determine how they will allow those changes to shift their lives.

I have to do the same in my life and I know it can be difficult, yet I keep going knowing that there will be something that benefits me when the situation passes. I ask you to do the same. Look at a difficult time in your life for which you may not have gratitude. Really look at what came as a result of that event. Look for how it benefited you or how you can now use it to your benefit.

If nothing comes to you, ask the universe / God / Source to assist you to see the good that came from it. Then have gratitude for that. Have gratitude for what it taught you, what you released, what you gained, what insight it gave you, all of the benefits you received.

Just allowing that possibility of gratitude for the difficult times can often shift your outlook. Open to that gratitude.

Gratitude provides so much more happiness than being resentful. It really does!

Is now the time to be grateful for the clouds and the beauty they provide?

Get out there and watch a few sunrises or sunsets and see what beauty the clouds create!

P.S. Come play in Purple Possibilities and Breakthroughs at my Purple Launch Party on July 11!
What possibilities can you create?