Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Have you ever quit your life?

I have. Now, before you panic, let me explain.

My friend Frank stated recently that he quit his life. How amazing would that be to actually quit the things that are not working in your life? To stop trying to force everything in your life to work!

How great would it be to review what you are doing and ask each one if you would really like to continue having that in your life or if it is time to do something different or do something differently?

After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same things again and again and expecting a different result.

What if you could get up in the morning and let go of everything that your life has been up to this point? What if you stopped functioning from a constant sense of duty, commitment and obligation and actually chose what you would like to have in your life and what you would like to NOT have?

Someone in Access Consciousness asked once, “if you fired everyone from your life today, who would you rehire?”

Who and what would you keep? Who and what would you release?

You do have a choice.

Yes, there are things in your life that you must do and must take care of, however, you have a choice in how that looks and how it gets done.

You may feel trapped, but you still have choices, you just aren’t seeing them.

It’s time to ask a few questions:

  • What choices and possibilities do I have here that I have seen or don’t even know exists?
  • What different choice can I make or what can I do differently that will shift and change what is going on here?
  • Is this thing contributing to my life or destroying it? Is it adding or detracting?
  • Is it creating frustration, stress,. Anger and resentment or fulfillment, joy, happiness?
  • Is it necessary for it to be in my life or can I let it go?

Questions are the invitation for new things to show up!

Just keep asking questions and inviting possibilities!

Then start making different choices!

Would you like to get unstuck and moving forward with your life? Get my ebook5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here