Thanks For The Experience

True forgiveness is when you can say,

“Thank you for that experience.

― Oprah Winfrey

Have you gotten to that point of being able to thank people or even yourself for the experience?

I know that I have.

Sometimes it is not easy to do, however, even forcing myself to say it has been very healing at times.

It reminds me that letting go of the anger and upset heals me so much more than allowing it to remain with me and grow!

When you hang onto that anger and upset, you are planting that same type of seed and letting it multiply! Is that what you truly desire?

I get it, sometimes you want to hang onto it until people say they are sorry or they were wrong, or whatever. But let’s face it, have you really had people come back and tell you that sort of thing?

Maybe you have, and that is great, however, in my experience, it has been rare.

Growing the anger and upset harms you. It doesn’t really do anything to the other party who might not even realize you are upset.

Have you ever heard the saying by Malachy McCourt, “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die”? The same is true of grudges and anger; they are poisoning you, not the person you believe should suffer. Those things are only hurting you.

So, now is the time to look at those experiences that are causing you anger and upset, and say, “Thank you for that experience.”

And move on to something more enjoyable! Move on to fun!

Move on to forgiveness and peace!

It really helps!

You deserve to forgive others and to forgive yourself.

Then you can use all that energy to create a life you would love to live!


For more guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook: Blastoff Into Possibilities