My Five Must-Have Tools

People sometimes ask what are my must-have tools that I use.

The five tools or processes that I use daily are:

  1. Return to Sender
  2. Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement
  3. Reiki
  4. Access Consciousness Bars® and Access Consciousness Body Processes™
  5. Nature Walks

Return to Sender

Return to Sender is a technique for letting go of things you have taken on for and from others and for letting go of stuff that just keeps buzzing around in your head and stressing you out.

Here is the recording of the tool that you can download:

Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement

The Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement is a tool designed to bring up energies and clear and change them. Once you change the energy of something it shows up differently in your life.

The explanation of the tool is here

And I send out weekly clearing statements. You can subscribe to them here:


Reiki is a simple and effective Japanese healing practice that promotes relaxation and healing on physical, mental and emotional levels, leading to connected wholeness.

Reiki balances and clears energy blocks in much the same way other energy healing practices such as acupuncture and acupressure do.

I have been using Reiki for 30 years. I use Reiki on myself and others, I do Reiki sessions on people and I teach Reiki classes.

Anyone can learn Reiki

To know more, check out my Reiki page.

Access Consciousness Bars® and Access Consciousness Body Processes™

Access Consciousness Bars® and Access Consciousness Body Processes™ are powerful release, relaxation, clearing, and healing techniques that release limitations, out-moded beliefs, and things that no longer serve you.

They allow your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease. When you have a Bars® session, the worst that can happen is that you feel as if you had a fantastic massage, the best thing that can happen is that your whole life can change.

They can be done on yourself and others.

I do sessions for people as well as teach them. Here are some of the classes that I teach:

Nature Walks

Walking in nature is a wonderful practice for relaxation, connecting with the Earth, and just enjoying watching and experiencing animals, plants, and the natural world.

I do my best to walk in nature for at least 15 minutes several times per week.

It really helps me to relax.

My Must-Have Tools

Those are my must-have tools for life!

If you want to know more or to schedule a session or a class, email me at

Have a great week!