Clearing The Way

Are you having a nice spring?

I have been doing spring clearing. Well, for over a year now actually.

It has proved to be quite productive and even fun. I have been doing a lot of clearing – physically and energetically.

I have been donating, selling, and giving away things from my home (furniture, clothing, books, and other stuff) that no longer serve me and would be good for others. I have even been doing an energetic Feng Shui class. It’s great!

And I have been doing a lot of energy clearing on myself, my cats, friends, clients, my home, and more.

One interesting point that has come up as I have been choosing what to release is the guilt, regret, and upset about NOT keeping things forever. My energy-clearing processes have gotten A LOT of use in all of this!

It has been so freeing!

It is a great way to start your spring cleaning!

Go for it!


Another great way to do some clearing is listening “7 Steps to Realign Your Life”. It’s a series that I did of 7 short video tips for getting in touch with what you would like to have in your life.