Undecorating The Tree Cat Style

Years ago my calico cat Pegasus (pictured above) discovered a unique way to undecorate our Christmas tree.

Pegasus was a kitten I got when I was in college. She was a true barn cat, so when you ask, “Were you born in a barn?” she could indeed answer “Yes I was!”

She was incredibly fast, which is why I named her Pegasus because she often seemed as if she could fly!

Our first year in Florida, Pegasus was about 2 years old and full of “piss and vinegar” as she ruled our house, according to her anyway.

We had a small 4-foot tree that had previously been on an end table, but this year we put it on the floor. Our living room had a couch that divided the room in half and we had placed the tree behind the couch.

Amazingly Pegasus left the tree alone for the most of the Christmas season. Occasionally an ornament ended up on the floor, but otherwise, it was intact each day. We put the presents under the tree and had Christmas day lunch at our home. She enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper as usual and all went well.

Well until the next day at least.

For some reason, Pegasus suddenly took an interest in the tree. She knocked a couple of ornaments off of it from the floor and from the back of the couch. We put them back on and went about our day.

Then, suddenly Pegasus decided to take a new tactic. She ran from the bedroom, across the back of the living room, banked off of the back of the couch, and landed on the tree, taking half a dozen or so ornaments with her.

We just stood there in shock. She had NEVER done anything like that before.

As we watched, she ran into the bedroom and made another run, taking off more ornaments.

Now, you might think that we should have stopped her at this point, but it was so fascinating, that we just stood there as she made hit after hit on the tree until she finally had all of the ornaments off of it.

Then she wandered off for a well-deserved (in cat terms) nap.

We were in awe of that accomplishment and put everything away.

Needless to say, that was the LAST year we placed that small tree on the floor!

You really can teach me new tricks!


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