GPS Of Consciousness 2022

Oops, I admit that I have lost track of the day of the week. I worked all night Sunday night and into Monday morning for the lunar rocket launch attempt, so my time schedule is a bit messed up.

And we get to launch Saturday now!

Anyway, I am sharing with you an article that I first published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence in August 2018.

GPS Of Consciousness

“Come on just pick ONE!’’ Have you ever been frozen in your inability to make a choice?

Where did that come from? Maybe it stems from childhood, being told what to do instead of being asked what you wanted to do. If that continued too long, you likely just obeyed them and did what was asked of you in order to avoid conflicts.

When you get used to a way of behaving, it becomes automatic and you often get stuck with an outcome you didn’t really want to choose — something you can’t change without being considered a failure or a quitter.

It’s no wonder you don’t think you have choice and possibility in your life. That’s how you were raised.

But, there is another way.

You can ask questions.

Using Your GPS

When you are searching for [continued here]




For a guided journey through the Possibility Principles, get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the Possibilities.​

The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon via the button below