Be More Than You Know

I saw a post on Facebook that said to get a quick answer, use the predictive text on your phone.

So, today I thought I would do that for my blog. This is what it gave me:

“You have to be the one who has been able to be a little more than you know that you are “


So, let me ask you, are you willing to be more (even a little more) than you know that you are, or thought that you are?

Are you willing to stretch into that?

So frequently we settle into less, into mediocrity rather than continuing to reach for greater in life.

Have you done that? Are you doing it now?

Is that all that you truly want?

It’s OK that that is all that you want, however, be honest with yourself – it is really all that you desire from yourself and for yourself?

I get it. Settling is often comfortable and safe. However, it is often NOT satisfying.

It can be the thing that wakes you up in the middle of the night wondering why you are unhappy or restless.

It can be the voice that keeps asking “What else is there to life; is there nothing more?”

So, if you are experiencing that restlessness, that longing for more, then maybe it is time to explore what more you can be.

Start asking questions like:

“What else is possible for me?”

“What can I create here that would bring more joy and happiness to my life?”

Who can I be and what can I do today to contribute to the world and to me?”

Just keep asking questions and be willing to stretch a little or a lot!

You are greater than you realize!



Want to know more about questions and how to ask more effective questions? Check out my eBook, “5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!