Do A Few Of My Favorite Things Actually Exist?

Has anyone you ever asked you “What’s your favorite ________ (movie, song, artist, food, etc)?”

They expect that you have one and only have one of each.

Have you been asked such a question?

Do you actually have a favorite movie, song, artist, food, etc?

Well, I have been asked those questions, and guess what, I don’t have a favorite movie, song, artist, food, etc!

People look at me in puzzlement when I say I don’t have a favorite, as if I am weird or wrong.

And yet, it’s true. I don’t have just one favorite of anything AND what’s more, it changes!

Why? Because life isn’t static. Preferences change, thoughts change, feelings change!

I may like a particular movie this week, but a different one next week. I can’t watch the same one over and over again. I get bored with it and want something different.

That doesn’t make me wrong.

It simply means that I enjoy change. I like to explore new possibilities and do new things.

It makes life more enjoyable and exciting.

Maybe you do have a favorite movie, song, artist, food, etc. And that’s OK. Just realize that it’s OK if you don’t too.

So the next time someone asks, “What’s your favorite ________ (movie, song, artist, food, etc)?” You can say something like “I don’t really have one. Today I like _______” and see where that takes your conversation!


For guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook: Blastoff Into Possibilities