Let Some Of Your Paths Be Dirt

Of All The Paths You Take, Make Sure A Few Of Them Are Dirt” – John Muir

These are ​trying times. It’s easy to become stressed and overwhelmed.

You need to strengthen yourself and stay healthy.

Reducing stress is vital for maintaining your overall physical, mental, and emotional health. It can improve your mood, boost immune function, promote longevity and allow you to be more productive and more at peace. 

People think that getting an extra nap will fix it, but stress goes beyond that.

During periods of high stress, the brain undergoes chemical and physical changes that affect its overall functioning. These contribute to higher blood pressure and a weakened immune system.  Over time, can lead to more serious problems, such as ulcers, stroke, asthma, heart disease, headaches, heartburn, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, frustration, anger, feelings of insecurity, and relationship conflicts.

One technique to help you unwind, release stress and create more calm is to be in nature.

Being in nature can reduce your stress hormone levels, decrease depression, lessen negative thoughts and energize you and even relax you.

In the past few decades research has shown the importance that nature and having contact with the natural world have on health, well-being, and functioning.

Studies have shown that walking in nature changes the blood flow in the brain to improve moods.

Being in the natural world gives one the sense of being away from the day-to-day stresses and strains of life and allows one to put matters in perspective.

The natural world stimulates and pleases the senses and generally makes people feel that they are in a supportive and harmonious environment. 

Being in nature has a very soothing effect on the body.

So whether you walk, sit, bicycle, or go hug a tree, getting outside can be very beneficial.

So go for a walk under some trees or on the beach.

Sit outside and close your eyes. Listen to the wind and the birds.

Listen to the waves if you’re near water.

Listen to the rain.

And if you can’t get outside to a nature spot?

  • Look out the window
  • Look at pictures of nature and imagine yourself there
  • Watch a calming nature video

Whatever you find most soothing in nature, allow it to wash over you.

Just flow with nature and let your stress dissolve.

Just close your eyes and breathe!!



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