Gratitude For It All

Thoughts on Thursday

Today is Thanksgiving here in the USA.

I would like to thank you for being part of my community.

I hope that whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving or not, that you get to spend today with the people you care most about.

Reach out to those you can’t be with in person. Call them. Video chat with them. Send them an email or a text. Connect with them and let them know that you care and are grateful for them.

Connection is so important, especially now.

And remember to thank the person who has been there for you and been with you through everything; through the good times and the bad, the tears and the laughter, the joy and the sorrow and everything in between.

Who is that amazing person?


Yes, have gratitude for YOU!!!

I’d like to share a video with you for that.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Talk to you next week.