Sometimes Just Leave It And Walk Away

Thoughts on Thursday

It has been a weird week.

Between the election and my birthday and just other craziness, it’s been quite a week.

I took a walk with a friend on the beach yesterday just to relax and join with that calming yet powerful energy of the water. It was so reassuring.

Plus my birthday was on election day with made me just not even want to celebrate it, but my mother and husband said we were going to anyway, so we went to lunch. It was very nice and calm at the restaurant.

Then I had a dream last night that I was under a huge heavy pile of … something. I don’t know what it was but it was heavy and dense and unpleasant.

I was trying to dissolve it all and suddenly a little voice said, “You don’t have to deal with all of it or take care of it, just step out of it!

I was amazed because I WAS able to step out from under it and just leave all of it in its ugly heaviness!! YAY!! What a relief! When I woke up I felt so much lighter!

So, I got a lesson from that dream. I don’t have to handle everything in the world, sometimes I can just walk away.

Now, I have been telling OTHERS that for years, so I guess it was about time I took my own advice!!

Oh yeah, that “physician heal thyself” thing comes back to me sometimes!!!

So, take a page from my book, from my lesson, and ask what you can walk away from rather than taking it on as if it is yours to heal and deal with!

Sometimes you can just leave it where it is and be free!!


So, in celebration of my birthday (yes, I know it was on the 3rd and we are past that), I invite you to my Purple Launch Party Birthday Edition!

We will be having discoveries, breakthroughs, gifts, FUN and more.

Join me on a powerful day 11-11-2020 from 5 pm to 7 pm eastern (11-11 from 5 to 7, it rhymes!!)

And it’s free!!