Questions To Ask The Universe

I came across the above picture in my Facebook memories today.

I look it 8 years ago when I went to the beach to take pictures of Space Shuttle Endeavour flying over atop the 747 on its way to the California Science Center in Los Angeles.

Unfortunately the battery on my camera died so I only got THIS picture.

Luckily, it turned out to be a great picture!

When I took it, I had not even noticed the woman in it. I was focused on the shuttle and 747 (which is in that open bright spot in the top right quadrant.

I love this picture!

I love the composition.

The lone woman standing before the ocean and the clouds is atmospheric.

I was struck by that kind of exemplifying how I approach life sometimes. I look out at the sometimes cloudy landscape and wonder what I should do next.

I ask how can I help, how can I contribute?

What is it that the world truly requires?

Just because I desire a particular circumstance or outcome for the planet doesn’t mean that that is what the Earth or the Universe requires.

I know you may find it shocking, but I don’t always know what is best for everyone (OK, that’s a joke there in case you were wondering)!

Just as the woman in the picture looks out to the cloudy horizon, sometimes there are bright spots, sometimes there are dark clouds, sometimes there is sand, sometimes there are waves and sometimes there are even space shuttles!

So I just keep asking questions.

What else is possible for me?

What does God / Source / Universe require of me?

What does the planet require of me?

What do I require of me?

And what’s my next step to getting there?

Then I listen for the whispers of possibilities to show up!

Are you ready to ask those questions too?

Now is the time!


Check out my eBook, “5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!