Being A Perpetual People Pleaser

Perpetual People Pleaser may be fun to say, but it isn’t fun to be.

When you are a Perpetual People Pleaser, you constantly have to ensure that everyone is happy. You have to make certain that they have everything they desire and all their needs are met?

You constantly put their needs and wants before your own.

Where does that put you in your life?

Uh, last!!

Is that where you want to be?

Being a Perpetual People Pleaser often means that you are serving to the point of being a servant.

And a servant has little or no value. The servant is ignored, unseen.

Think about this for a moment. You can continue being a servant to everyone else … or … you can create a life that actually works for you.

Rather than being their servant, would it be better to assist and guide?

Offer other avenues to them?

What if you could care for rather than carry them?

Start asking questions like:

What would it take for me to put ME first in my life?

What steps can I take to stop being a servant to everyone?

And then, if you must serve them, and sometimes you do have to take care of others, then consider what you can add to your life to make it more enjoyable? Maybe you can add someone to help you or carve out more time for taking care of you.

What if adding things to your life shifts your things so you can have even more fun? What if it is not about what you have to remove but about what you have to add?

Allow yourself to reap the benefits of setting healthy boundaries and taking care of you!

You’re worth it!

Join me for my daily Facebook lives on creating your authentic life. I do them Monday through Friday at 9:30 AM Eastern in the Purple Dawn Group. Join me!

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