Break On Through To The Other Side

What we think is a breakdown, is only a breakthrough. Whatever you may be going through, see it as an opportunity to propel yourself to the limitless heights in existence. ― Angie Karan

In Week 35 of my book Launchpad 2020: The Art and [Rocket] Science of Breakthroughs and Possibilities I ask “What do you believe you must break through to have a breakthrough?”

You see, sometimes your expectation of what should happen prevents you from seeing what actually did happen. And, since the actual circumstances didn’t match your expectations, you believe nothing actually happened even though it did happen!

WHEW!!! Confused?

It can indeed be confusing until you realize that your judgments and expectations are used as a filter in your life. When events don’t match those judgments and expectations, those events are often filtered out and you don’t see them.

It’s like using search parameters on your computer. You give the program or search box the items or keywords for which to search. Thus you are presented with items matching your keyword and, even though other items exist, you don’t see them because they don’t match your keywords.

For instance: you ask to see only items that contain the word “purple”. Thus, everything else that exists that doesn’t contain “purple” is omitted from your view and you only see purple (which might really be wonderful, by the way!! But then you know my fondness for purple!!!).

How does that relate to the rest of your life? Let’s say you are having difficulty with your body so you go to an energy healer. You tell her that your back hurts. Now, she might only treat your back. However, it turns out that your back hurts because your big toe is injured which is causing you to walk oddly which in turn is causing your back to hurt!!!

So if you only focus on your back rather than looking for what is causing the pain in your back, your back will continue to hurt.

So what do you do?

Ask questions.

When you ask for something to occur and it appears that it did not, ask if part of that thing occurred or if something similar occurred that you might not have noticed.

Ask what might be preventing you from noticing what is really going on.

Ask for what you truly desire and then pay attention to what occurs.

Stop focusing on what didn’t happen and pay more attention to what DID happen.

And lastly, have gratitude for what you receive, even the partial results. That energy of gratitude for what you received can push the energy of the situation to complete the result faster than if you focus what you are lacking.

Break through that energy of lack and judgment into the gratitude on the other side and shift your life.

Gratitude has power.

Use it!

Have you seen my Gratitude For Life Journal and cards?

They help you to be grateful for all you have … big and small … in your life.

The book is available on Amazon or both are available in my shop. Click here to check it out