Energetic Spring Cleaning

Do you sometimes feel as if there is just too much stuff surrounding you and yet the room around you is clear?

Maybe you even have the sense of being hemmed in or trapped.

Perhaps what you really need is some Energetic Spring Cleaning!

Often life can become cluttered with all of the things you are have to do and should do and haven’t done. Then add to that all of the people with whom you interact and must care for and must satisfy and must and must and should and need to and  …..

WOW, it’s no wonder you feel like you’re caught in the clutter!

What’s a good way to clear out?

Step 1: Let Go Of Shoulds

Are you “shoulding” all over yourself?

Do you have a lot of “I should do this,” “I should have done that,” “My life should be this way” and so on and so on?

When you do that you are “shoulding.” You are making yourself wrong and bad and not enough because you are not measuring up to all of those shoulds.

Shoulds just keep you looping back into all of the places that you have decided you don’t measure up, all of the places you have judged that you are not enough, not good enough, and severely lacking.

Is any of that really true? Are the things that didn’t happen really what is preventing you from creating what you would like in your life?

It’s true, you can’t change the past. You can’t go back and do what you believe you SHOULD have done. What you  can do is change what you are doing now and from here forward.

To release your shoulds, ask questions like

  • What can I do differently from here forward that would create the life I would like?
  • Who and what can I be that would bring me more joy and ease in my life?

Time to stop shoulding all over you and everything else and create the life you’d love!

Step 2: Be Grateful For NOW

Do you believe that if you are grateful for now and what brought you here that you can’t change it and can’t ask for me?


It’s true. Sometimes people believe that being grateful for what happened in the past, means that is all they would like to have in their lives. They believe that if they are grateful for what they have now that means that is all that they want in life and they can’t ask for more.

You CAN be grateful for the past and present AND still ask for change AND still ask for MORE!

It’s true. It’s like getting to the end of high school and saying “Thank you that I graduated AND now I am ready to start college.” Or eating your salad and saying “Thanks for the salad AND now I would like the main course.”

Being grateful does not cut you off from more. It does not mean you cannot desire more, ask for more and ask for change!

AND is a great word!

Step 3: Honor You

What does it mean to honor you?

It means to take care of yourself physically and emotionally and in all ways.

Take time for yourself every day and do things that make you and your body happy.

If all you do it care for others, you run low on energy, happiness, fun and all of the other things that make life enjoyable.

Give yourself those gifts of joy.

Schedule time for you every day. Make it a priority to Make YOU a priority for you!

You’re worth it!!

Ask yourself “What can I do right now that would bring me and my body more fun and joy?” and see what the universe brings your way!

Ask yourself “What can I do right now that would bring me and my body more fun and joy?” and see what the universe brings your way!

Do your energetic spring — energetic life — cleaning!

Throw out all those SHOULDS


Take care of  you!

Would you like assistance in creating the life you’d love to live?

My new book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the year of Possibilities, it will assist you to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and then to create a roadmap for getting there.​

The Kindle and paperback versions are available.