3 Steps To Unlocking Your Possibilities

As a little kid, were you really good at hiding?

That can be a good skill to have; however, sometimes people carry it forward and continue hiding themselves from the world.

The thing about hiding is that it cuts off the possibilities that are available to you!

What do you hide or hide FROM?

Are you hiding from what you are capable of? Are you hiding from your capacities and capabilities?

You might think that sounds strange, but sometimes people shrink away from what they can truly be and do in the world.


Sometimes they:

  • Do not feel safe
  • Fear abuse, attack, failing
  • Do not feel good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, etc
  • Desire to avoid ridicule, judgment, rejection, humiliation, shame
  • Want to fit in, to lay low, not be noticed, not rock the boat
  • Feel it’s just what they’ve always done … it’s familiar, safer, easier, less effort, not as uncomfortable as being seen
  • And so on and so forth

Those are all valid. There is no right or wrong, it’s just where you are at the moment.

Is it really where you would like to be?

Would you rather start allowing yourself to let go of those things and invite more possibilities to show up?

It is possible.

Step 1: Return to Sender

One tool is “Return to Sender” (see my previous blog https://iampurpledawn.com/2017/06/06/releasing-past-baggage/). With this tool, you examine things that come up and ask all the ones that are not yours to return to sender, go back out into the Universe, so they stop limiting you. They aren’t yours anyway, they are just hanging around confusing you, so let them go.

Just say, “All of this crap that isn’t mine, I return it to sender with consciousness attached.”

Whew! Does that feel lighter to you now? You got rid of all that burden and baggage you were carrying for others!

It should be easier to be clear on what actually works for you now that all of THAT is gone!

Step 2: Be Grateful for You

Another tool is being grateful to YOU for the brilliance that you are and for the things you have created and accomplished!

Look how far you have come! Congratulate yourself on that! You have done so much in life! Be grateful!

Be grateful to the Universe/God/Source for everything that you have. The Universe likes gratitude. Gratitude lets it know what you like and that you would like more of it.

Step 3: Ask Questions

What if you could allow yourself to open to the infinite possibilities available to you?

Begin by asking questions like:

What other possibilities are available to me that I might never have considered were there for me?

What do I have the ability to achieve now that I never had before?

What do I have the ability to be now that I never had before?

Once you’ve asked those questions, LISTEN for the Universe to show you other possibilities that exist beyond what you have always chosen in the past, beyond what you have always believed were your only options.

Life isn’t “Let’s Make A Deal”, you have more choices than just Door Number 1, Door Number 2 or Door Number 3. (Oh, if you’re too young to remember “Let’s Make A Deal”, check it out here http://www.letsmakeadeal.com/ ).

The Universe loves to gift to you! Be open to the infinite possibilities the Universe offers you in every second of your existence!

Realize that things might not show up exactly as you thought they SHOULD. Allow for variations of what you asked for or desired.

Sometimes you get stuck believing that everything must show up exactly a certain way, so you ignore the things that are close to that or that might eventually lead to exactly what you desired. It’s like you put on blinders (like the ones used on horses) so you never see anything other than exactly the one option you believe is the best, only, true, perfect option for you.

Are you willing to acknowledge the imperfect possibilities and choices that show up? Are you willing to follow the small steps toward what you asked for?

Open To The Possibilities

It’s time to free yourself from your self-imposed limitations and open up to all the amazing possibilities that the Universe is offering you!!

Allow yourself to be free!!

Ask a question!! What else is possible?®

Would you like more tools for unlocking your possibilities? Check out my eBook “5 Powerful Questions To Change Your Life