Here’s Your Sign

Yesterday was my birthday.

It’s OK if you didn’t get me a present! <<smile>>

As I was considering what to write for this week’s blog, I came across something I had written in a journal years ago. It said, “Are you waiting for a sign?

At that time, and at various other times, I have indeed been waiting for some sort of sign of what to do next.

I guess I was hoping for the heavens to open and the words to be written in the clouds or the beam of light to fall upon my next step or something dramatic like that! I mean, it happens in the movies, right?

Now, I have gotten signs, less theatrical than that, but signs none the less, of what to do and where to go …. When I ASKED QUESTIONS!!!

Yep, there’s the key, asking questions.

Asking what my next step is.

Asking what other possibilities I have here.

Asking what other choices I have.


You see, questions open doors. Questions tell God/Source/Universe that you are open to something different, that you are open to change.

So, if you’re looking for a sign …… Here’s your sign:




So get out there, ask more questions and BE AMAZING.

I believe in you! You got this!


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