You Get A Million Dollars If

You can have a million dollars, if you just do this one thing.

Yes, there is a catch.

I had a dream last night that every time I did something I had to publicly thank everyone who had helped get me there or taught me that.

It slightly reminded me of an online series from Rooster Teeth called “Million Dollars But” what my sister was in for a while. It was a dark comedy about people being granted a million dollars but there was a curse attached.  In one people got a million dollars but their grandparents came back as zombies  (my sister was zombie grandma).

Why do I tell you this? Well, in my dream, I kept having to stop and thank people and explain the importance of appreciating everyone.

In the dream, I was making appreciation videos to thank people. I had people lined up all over the place to thank them! And all I was trying to do at the time in the dream was to leave the hotel I was in and go to the airport.

When I woke up, I was wondering just where would it stop if I actually did have to that? How long would it go on? How far back did I have to go for each situation thanking people?

What was the dream trying to tell me?

Have I not been grateful to others enough?

Have I been expecting more gratitude than I have received?

Or something else?

What came to me was that more abundance is available to anyone when they appreciate how they got to where they are and who helped them. And you don’t have to do it publically or on videos or anything like the dream, you just acknowledge it in your head and say “Thank you.” Now, if you WANT to thank people, that helps them know they are appreciated and gives them a nice warm feeling too.

So I say get out there and Express more gratitude. I know I will. 

Have you seen my Gratitude For Life Journal and cards?

They help you to be grateful for all you have … big and small … in your life.

The book is available on Amazon or both are available in my shop. Check out the gratitude store