Be The Change You Desire

“There are no countries with a moratorium on stupid.”

My husband said that at dinner a few nights ago and he’s right, there is no moratorium on stupid.

People continue to do stupid things – sometimes spectacularly stupid things!

The easiest, fastest option continues to be taken in so many situations despite the impact that it has on the environment, society and the future. The selfish and greedy motives behind these actions don’t seem to be in question.

Everything tends to get dumbed-down to below the lowest common denominator.

And so on and so on and so forth, etc, etc, etc!

It’s no wonder people ask me what they can do to change it, to stop it, to make it right.

I don’t have an answer to that.

I know concepts like:

  • What you resist persists.
  • What you focus upon continues.
  • You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
  • Often the old goes through some pretty spectacular death throes on its way out.

I know that those concepts often do not stop the hopeless feelings that pervade. Sometimes they even make people angrier. Is that what is required? I don’t have an answer for that either.

So I offer up what I do. I ask the Universe / God / Source, “What contribution can I be to create what the world requires in these situations? Who and what do I have to be and what do I have to do to shift us into a sustainable reality for the planet? What’s right about all of this that I am not getting?”

Does that make me NOT want to get out my lightsaber and lead the rebellion? Not always; however it allows me to let the Universe know that I am open to change and to lead me where I can contribute. And who knows, maybe one that it will require my lightsaber — though being only a purple plastic one, it is probably not all that effective.

Perhaps when enough of us ask those questions and then follow what shows up for us, we can make a difference and things will shift.

Will you join me in asking what the world requires of you?

Will you step up and ask the questions without judgment, without anger?

  • “What contribution can I be to create what the world requires in these situations?”
  • “Who and what do I have to be and what do I have to do to shift us into a sustainable reality for the planet?”
  • “What’s right about all of this that I am not getting?”

Will you be the change you wish to see?


Is your life feeling disconnected, overwhelming, or frustrating?

Would you like a little relief, maybe some tips on how to regain your balance and get more in tune with what you would like to have going on in your life?

“7 Steps to Realign Your Life: Simple steps to shift what isn’t working in your life” contains short, simple tips for achieving more peace, joy and balance in your life.