5 Steps To Overcoming Addiction to Busy-Ness

Are you addicted to busy-ness?

What is busy-ness? It is basically the art of always being busy.

Frequently is it the art of being TOO busy.

Yes, too busy to enjoy life, too busy to spend time with the people who matter to you, too busy to do anything else except be busy!!

Do you find yourself always having something to do that isn’t really fun yet you believe it must be done to succeed in your job or your business? Do you always have a call to be on or a meeting to attend or overtime to work that takes you away from family time or getting a massage or going to the beach?

If so, then you are probably addicted to busy-ness.

Admitting it is the first step!

Then changing it is the next step.

How do you change it?

  • Schedule It: schedule time for yourself! Put it on your calendar and treat it like you would a client appointment! STICK TO IT!!
  • Delegate: find someone else to do the tedious things, the things that you can train someone else to accomplish them
  • Ask: ask if those busy tasks are actually necessary — and be honest with yourself about it! If they aren’t necessary, then drop them!
  • Explore: ask is something you are avoiding by doing these busy tasks? If so, it is time to explore the reasons you are avoiding that. Perhaps you can apply the other suggestions to it and get it done.
  • Prioritize: prioritize your tasks, and include the self-care and personal time as high-priority tasks when you do that.

Busy-ness can be a tough addiction, but you can change it. Are you ready? Is now the time?

Just take the first step and the next step will be easier!

Take time for you!

Are you always so busy that you don’t have time for you, your health and your needs?

You can kick that busy-ness and start putting you first!

Join Dawn’s online event: Reboot Your Boundaries and Your Relationships and learn to set healthy boundaries, reset your relationships and reclaim your life.