The Power of AND

Many people seem to believe that being grateful for what you have is an end – that you can’t ask for more. As if it’s an either/or thing: you can either be grateful for what you have and give up asking for more; or you could ask for more which means you’re not grateful for what you have.

But that’s not true. Being grateful is an “AND” thing in your life. “Yes I’m grateful for this AND I would like something else or something more.”

I compare it to when you’re at dinner. You get your salad and you say, “Okay I’m grateful for my salad AND I would like the main course. Then you get the main course and say, “I’m grateful for the main course AND I would like to have dessert” and you get your dessert. It’s not that once you’re grateful for something that it stops the energy flow so that you can’t have anything else. You can always keep desiring more and still be grateful for what you have.

AND is an amazingly powerful word. AND allows gratitude for one thing while also being an invitation to the next thing to show up.

 “Yes I like this AND I would like something else AND what else can I have AND what else can I add to my life AND what’s next?”

Just keep asking those questions. Just keep having that gratitude. AND just keep moving forward with the word AND.

Tap into gratitude and what it can do for your life and what it can mean for your life. It’s an amazing thing and a phenomenal energy.

You can use gratitude to really make your life start working more toward what you would like to have so you can start looking forward to getting up in the morning instead of dreading it. AND you can add more AND you can … so you see where I’m going with this right?

Really, life is not an either/or proposition. You can keep adding more. You can be grateful for what you have AND you can keep adding more of the things that you would like to have that would really make your life fun AND worthwhile and joyful.

Just keep using the word AND to create that life you’d love to be living!

For more on gratitude and the power it can have in your life, please join my Facebook group “Gratitude For Life”