When Your Ship Comes In

Robert Anthony said, “When your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to unload it?

It might surprise you that sometimes people aren’t ready and willing to unload that ship when it arrives.

Are you ready to unload your ship?

If the answer is, “No” let’s look at a few things that might be coming up for you.

Is it really your ship?

Is it really what you were asking for or is it actually what other people said you should want or they wanted it for you, but you didn’t really want it for yourself. You may have said that you wanted it and gone along with people saying it was what was best for you, but you didn’t really want it.

And now that it is here, you don’t actually desire to have it, you just prefer to ignore it and hope it goes away.

Or you kind of unload it and continue to play along while hoping that someday you’ll be able to have what YOU really want.

Afraid you can’t make it work

Are you afraid that if you unload it, that you won’t actually be able to do what it requires of you and you’ll fail?

Failure is often a fear that you may have. You want to change things and may even begin making those changes, but you fear that you will ultimately fail. So sometimes you don’t even start or you only half-heartedly try and thus create a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

Maintain the Status Quo

Do you believe it is easier to just leave everything on that ship and “not rock the boat”? (OK, I couldn’t resist the pun!)

This can be related to either of the above or be just by itself.

If you don’t unload the ship, nothing changes, so you don’t jump into the unknown, you don’t risk failure, you simply continue on with what your life already is. You play it safe.

You don’t recognize it

Perhaps you don’t recognize what’s on the boat because it didn’t show up the way you expected it to.

Oftentimes when you ask for something, you have expectations of what it must look like when it actually happens. This often causes you to ONLY look for that particular event or series of events and if things don’t happen exactly as you expect, you don’t even recognize that the final result is really here, just in a slightly different way.

What does that mean? Let’s say that you want a car. You expect that it will be a medium blue car. SO, the only car you are looking for is medium blue. Thus, when the dark blue one shows up, you say, “I don’t see the medium blue car!” and you just keep going.

Perhaps that dark blue car would have worked just fine, but you were looking out for a medium blue one and missed seeing the dark blue one.

It’s like you put on blinders, like what they use on horses, so you only see what you expect to see. It blocks out all of those other possibilities around you.


Do you HAVE to unload your ship?

No, of course not. You have choice. You may choose to unload it or not.

Just remember, if you don’t unload it or just ignore it NOTHING CHANGES! Is that what you truly want?

Ask Questions

So, once that ship arrives, what can you do?

Ask questions.

Do you truly desire to unload that ship?

Does the ship contain what you truly desire?

Does it contain a slightly different version of what you desire that you didn’t recognize at first?

Are you ready and willing to make the changes it requires?

What do you truly desire and will this bring you closer to it or move you further away?

What other choices and possibilities exist that you hadn’t considered?

It’s all your choice.

You may unload that ship or just send it back and ask for the one you truly want to show up.

What you truly want matters. It’s your choice.

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