Interesting Point Of View

Everything is just an “interesting point of view”.

It is neither right nor wrong, nor good nor bad, it just is a point of view that you have taken at this moment.

It is only judgment that makes it right, wrong, good, bad.

AND, the cool thing is, you can change it at any time!

If you look at everything as just an “interesting point of view” (IPOV) and allow it to be just as it is without judgment it frees you and frees everyone else. You no longer have to expend lots of energy aligning and agreeing with it or resisting and reacting to it or defending for or against it or trying to prove that you were right and justified in choosing it. You can just allow it to be whatever it is and let it flow.

When you can say “Interesting point of view I think this” or “Interesting point of view I have this point of view” about everything, then you have total freedom from getting stuck in any fixed point of view.

When you have a fixed point of view (FPOV) you allow things to become solid which creates blocks and limitations for you. Those blocks and limitation then prevent you from seeing anything that does not match your fixed point of view which then keeps you from being aware of all the available possibilities and choices that abound around you.

When you function from “interesting point of view” you can have no fixed point of view. You simply have taken a point of view for the moment. It is not solid and you can change it at any time.

When you do not function from “interesting point of view”, you get caught up in judgment, negativity, positivity and polarity. You become stuck in the traumas and dramas of this reality. You believe that you must either “align and agree” (which is the positive polarity) or “resist and react”(which is the negative polarity) to everything and that locks you up and locks up your life.

There is no freedom in polarity and judgment. Literally, every time you create a judgment, you prevent yourself from being aware of anything that doesn’t match your judgment. It’s as if you put on blinders. You only see the things around you that match that judgment. You create a little box of limitations, a prison of judgment that is your life.

When you can let go of the judgment by using “interesting point of view”, you break out of that prison and give yourself the freedom of you.

Truly embracing “interesting point of view” lets you live in allowance where nothing sticks you or limits you. When everything is just an “interesting point of view”, you start to create choice and question giving you more possibility. Your life gets easier.

With “interesting point of view”, you can see ALL points of view. It allows you to have infinite possibilities so you can be, do, have, create and generate anything.

You begin to see that it’s really just the place from which somebody looks at things that determines their limitation.

The more you can say “interesting point of view” or “interesting point of view I have that point of view about ______” for every thought, feeling, emotion and point of view you have, the more your problems will fade away.

If everything is just an “interesting point of view”, then you can ask these four questions:

  • What does the universe require of me?
  • What does the world require of me?
  • What do you require of me?
  • What do I require of me?

And you can be a true contribution to yourself, to everyone around you and to the world.

How amazing is that?

(based on Access Consciousness® concepts)

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