I Have A Plan

Do you plan and plan and plan your life, expecting that the right plan will make everything perfect?

Are you waiting to take the first step only once you are convinced that everything is in order and will work out exactly the way you want it to?

And should you actually move forward, do you believe that unless everything works out exactly according to those plans that you are failing? Is that really true? Does everything have to look exactly as you imagined it to look or NOTHING will work out?

All that planning and waiting is just a delay mechanism that prevents you from taking the FIRST step!

If that describes you then you have a case of planning paralysis!

Planning paralysis ensures that you never make too much movement forward. You are always in the planning stages, constantly tweaking and adjusting, but never implementing. Never actually making forward movement for fear of making a mistake, fear of failure or of moving into the unknown.

It can be crippling if you let it. But you don’t have to let it. You can change it.


Start asking more questions. Ask the universe / God / Source what is your next step. And listen for the whispers. Watch for things to show up.


Yes trust.

That can be the tough part, but start practicing and you’ll get it.

Dust off one of your plans and take a step!

Start with small things and small steps.


Then congratulate yourself on taking that step and take another one.

Even if it didn’t work out exactly as you had planned, keep moving. As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

And take another step!

You’ll be amazed at how wonderful moving forward feels!


Is now is the time for you to journey to personal freedom? You can begin with Dawn’s program “Launch Into Freedom”, a 21-day voyage into reclaiming your life and stepping into your potential. It is available in the store at  https://iampurpledawn.com/store/Launch-Into-Freedom-Program-p104948687