Get It Over With

Jean-Paul Sartre, the French philosopher, said, “There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.

How are you spending that day?

Are you living just to get it over with – whiling away the time as you wait for something “better” to happen?

Or are you living it with meaning – doing things that make you and others happy or things that contribute to you, others and the world?

It’s your choice.

Another Possibility

I know that at times I find myself saying things like “let me do it and get it over with!”

And then I catch myself and ask what else I could be doing here?

Is there another possibility?

Is there something that would be more fun or more helpful or more … of whatever is required?

More Gratitude For This Moment

Perhaps there isn’t something else. And that’s OK too.

When that happens, I ask, “Is there another way of looking at this that would allow me to have more gratitude for this moment and this action?”

And I take time to release that stress and upset that the present moment was creating.

It changes the moment AND it changes the action. Now I can move forward with a different energy contributing to the moment at hand.


So much relief is often created just by that reframing of the present moment.

Allow yourself that relief, that release, that reframing.

It can change your life!

Now is the time for you to journey to personal freedom. You can begin with Dawn’s program “Launch Into Freedom”, a 21-day voyage into reclaiming your life and stepping into your potential. It is available in the store at