The Magic Of You

What is it that you are and have that is right in your life?

So often people spend their time complaining about all that is WRONG in their lives that they ignore all that it RIGHT.

Are you allowing yourself to acknowledge all of the things that are RIGHT about you or are you lamenting all that you believe is WRONG with you?

Are you allowing yourself to recognize the difference that you are? You have different points of view you have different ways of looking at the world you have different things you desire that other people don’t. Until you start acknowledging that and creating what you would like from a space of gratitude and from a space of possibilities, it can’t really exist because until then you’re continually trying to create somebody else’s life somebody else’s world and somebody else’s reality because you believe it is better than yours.

What ways are you different that are truly strengths that you have? How can you use those strengths to benefit yourself and the world more?

There is a magic that you are that no one else is. What is that magic that you are? What magic do you create? What magic do you have in your life? How much of that magic have you not acknowledge? Are you avoiding it?

So, ask yourself, “What magic am I that I have not yet acknowledged?”

For instance, when I asked that, here are a few that popped into my head:

  • What magic am I with the Earth that I have not yet acknowledged?
  • What magic am I with facilitating others that I have not yet acknowledged?
  • What magic am I with healing that I have not yet acknowledged?
  • What magic am I with the Universe that I have not yet acknowledged?
  • What magic am I with creating that I have not yet acknowledged?

And then ask “What would it take for me to acknowledge all of those and stop resisting, denying and avoiding them and just allow them to be?”

What or who are you waiting for before you allow yourself to be all that you can be?

When will you allow your magic to show up in your life?

What’s stopping you besides YOU?


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