Do You See What I See?

People tell me that I often see what others don’t see. Case-in-point, the picture above. The top portion is a...

Clearing PESJRs Daily

I was reviewing some of my collection of clearings from various calls and classes and came across a collection of...

I Gotta Be Right

Are you constantly trying to prove that you are right? Or maybe you are constantly trying to prove that you...

Orders of Obesity

Two Years Ago I did the Obesity Clinic calls that Gary Douglas and Dain Heer did. They were filled with...

Possibilities Or Just The Usual

Do you desire predictability in your life? Do you want everything planned and known every step of the way so...

Ah The Holidays

As we come into the end of year holidays, many of us have challenges with being in large groups of...

Secrets To Climbing Out Of The Rut

Have you ever started watching a show on TV and it seemed familiar yet you couldn’t remember how it ended?...

You’re Just Making That Up

On November 21, I will be doing a free webinar titled “Are You Living A Myth”. Here’s another preview of...

That Knight In Shining Armor Is Late

Are you waiting for your Prince or Princess Charming to come and change your life? Do you believe that you...

You Are A Natural, Baby!

Edgar Degas, the famous French artist, said: “Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you...