You And Me Against The World

I was driving home in congested traffic a few days ago and caught myself saying to my car, “Well, honey, it’s you and me against the world.”

Then the thought occurred to me, do I really desire life to be a battle like that?

I do not.

So, it’s time to change my language.

Stop using the terms like: “Battling against xyz”, “Fighting against xyz”, and “Struggling against xyz”.

Stop looking at situations as a “warzone” or “fight” or “battle” or “struggle”.

Reframe that mindset and look for the opportunity in it rather than the fight.

Look for the light rather than the darkness.

Yes, the song “You And Me Against The World“ by Helen Reddy was touching and yet I don’t have to live in that constant struggle.

I can step into the light.

For more on gratitude and the power it can have in your life, please join my Facebook group “Gratitude For Life”