Happy Over Right

I’d far rather be happy than right any day

— Douglas Adams

As The 42 Collective says, “In a universe filled with unanswered questions and unattainable truths, this quote from Adams reminds us to prioritize happiness and contentment over the need to be right all the time. Sometimes, it’s better to let go of the need for absolute certainty and find joy in the present moment.”

Do you prioritize being right over being happy?

Do you require that you always be shown to be right?

How is that working out for you?

Does that restriction or limitation make you happy? Or is it causing even more stress and frustration in your life?

Limitations rarely create happiness.

What if you spent an hour today, letting go of being right?

OK, maybe you can’t make it for an hour.

How about ten minutes?

See how it goes.

Then expand it out to 20 minutes tomorrow and maybe reach an hour by the weekend.

It can really reduce your stress.

Stop beating yourself up for wanting to be right and allow yourself some forgiveness. Allow yourself some peace.

It’s OK to not be right.

It’s even OK to be wrong!

Go for the peace and calm of not having to fight to be right!


Is your life feeling disconnected, overwhelming, or frustrating?

If it is, perhaps you could use a little relief, maybe some tips on how to regain your balance and get more in tune with what you would like to have going on in your life.

Let me share with you the 7 Steps to Realign Your Life that I did.
They are short, simple tips for achieving more peace, joy and balance in your life.