Add More “Thank You”s To Your Life

Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.

– Northrup Christiane

I have been doing a 21-day Gratitude / Rewire Your Brain Challenge this month (you can join here) and I realized that one thing I have added to my life as part of my gratitude practice is to say “Thank You” more often.

Yes, I make sure to thank people who are the waiters and waitresses at restaurants and those who wait on me at stores, and I also thank events that occur.

I say “Thank you” when I get a parking space.

I say “Thank you” when I get a green light.

I say “Thank you” when I find what I am looking for or something interesting that I wasn’t looking for.

Sometimes I forget to add them to my Gratitude Journal, however, acknowledging them with a “Thank You” gets that energy into the world.

The more that the Universe/God/Source knows you are grateful for things, the more of those things come to you.

So, add those “Thank You”s to your daily life and see how it grows.

Thank you for being here and reading this!

Let the gratitude expand!


Have you seen my Gratitude For Life Journal and cards?

They help you to be grateful for all you have … big and small … in your life.

The book is available on Amazon AND the cards and book are available in my shop.