Celebrate Life

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

― Oprah Winfrey

Yesterday we had a Celebration of Life for my Father online with my family around the country.

It was so nice sharing memories and pictures.

So today, I say, Celebrate Life!

Don’t wait, celebrate now!

Get your friends and family together on zoom or facetime or skype or whatever platform works for you and enjoy some memories. Enjoy some pictures. Enjoy just seeing each other and speaking to each other.

The picture I shared a few weeks ago that said “Everything we say at funerals should be said at birthday parties instead. We leave too much love unspoken” is so true.

Don’t let your love and caring go unspoken.

Share it.

Get together. Stop putting it off.

Get together. Even if it is virtually! Share some time.

Stop Waiting For Special Occasions

Every day you are alive is special. Celebrate it!

If you wake up in the morning, it’s a special occasion, you get another day.

How much of the stuff in your closets and cupboards is being saved for a special occasion?

What makes an occasion special enough?

What if you used your “special stuff” more? What if you allowed yourself to use it as part of celebrating your life and the lives of those you love? Would that give your “everyday” activities more energy? Would it make them more special and fun?

Stop Waiting For Reasons

Do you make yourself wait for a reason to celebrate and unless you have a good enough reason, you’re not willing to celebrate?

What makes something a good enough reason?

What if you simply made living a celebration and said “I am living today and my priority is living every moment as a total celebration. I am celebrating living with the choices I am making today”?

If you wake up in the morning, it’s cause for celebrating that you’re alive! You get another opportunity to create what you would like to have in your life!

You get another opportunity to share with those you love.

Every Day

Every moment of every day should be a celebration. What are you celebrating right now? If you don’t celebrate, you’re not actually living, you are punishing yourself for being here.

What if you made your life a celebration instead of an obligation, instead of a punishment? It’s not that you HAVE to live today, rather it’s that you get the privilege of living another day!

Every day is another possibility for a greater life.

Every day is another possibility for joy and happiness!

It’s your choice. Happiness, joy, and celebration are just a choice.

What will you choose?

Celebrate Life!!


Have you seen my Gratitude For Life Journal and cards?

They help you to be grateful for all you have … big and small … in your life.

The book is available on Amazon AND both the cards and book are available in my shop.