Avoiding Cesspools of Others

Dr. Dain Heer, co-founder of Access Consciousness said:

The power of you is when you don’t allow yourself to be drawn into the fight.

The power of you is when you continue being the light.

He also stated, in a different call, “Don’t crawl into the cesspool with them.”

It’s true, you don’t have to buy into what others are telling you, you can go with your own knowing.

You don’t have to join all the battles simply because others say that you should or need to.

You don’t have to jump into anyone’s cesspool and you can drag yourself out of any cesspool you have created and out of the cesspools you have chosen to enter!

I get it, sometimes you join people in an effort to keep them company in THEIR cesspools!

Is that really your best choice? It’s bringing you to their level. Is that what you want?

Time to wipe off that crap and move on!

Using “I” instead of “YOU”