Do You Really Need To Overthink It

As a recovering “Overthinker”, let me ask you, “Do you overthink things?”

I get it, I still often do.

It can really stop you in your tracks.

Are you often paralyzed in the analysis paralysis? Looping back and forth trying to figure out the WHY of everything?

My suggestion?

  • STOP
  • Take a deep breath
  • Ask the God / Source / Universe for clarity
  • Release the NEED to know WHY and just ask what it is that you really need to know from this
  • And let go

The “need” to know “why” is an illusion. It rarely helps you move forward. In fact, it often makes you hang onto something even tighter, because you “just need to know!”

Let it go!

Move forward with new choices!

Is it easy to rehabilitate from being a compulsive overthinker? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, however now is the best time to start!

Is your life feeling disconnected, overwhelming, or frustrating?

If it is, perhaps you could use a little relief, maybe some tips on how to regain your balance and get more in tune with what you would like to have going on in your life.

I would like to share with you the 7 Steps to Realign Your Life that I did.

They are short, simple tips for achieving more peace, joy, and balance in your life.