Five Ways To Make This Day Count

I have read various lists on ways to make this day count and decided to come up with my own list.

Appreciate Those Who Support And Encourage You.

Whether they are family or friends or something else, appreciate those who are there when you need a little support and encouragement. Take a moment to pause and give thanks to those people for all the good they bring into your life. Tell them how much you appreciate the support they give you. Tell your kids how proud you are of them. Maybe even give your pet an extra hug and say thank you for the lessons of unconditional love that only an animal can give.

Be Thankful for Your Community.

Make it a point to say a heartfelt thank you every time someone makes a difference in your community. It can be anyone from the server at your local restaurant, the firemen, the policemen, the garbage man, to the nurse, the butcher, the baker, and the bank teller, anyone. Show them some gratitude. They work hard to make your life easier.

Give Yourself a Little Love.

Take some time to care for you and your body. Appreciate all you have done and all that your body does for you!  Go for a walk, get a massage, take a break, whatever you and your body require to recharge and regenerate! Show yourself some love!

Let Go Of The Expectation Of Perfection.

You don’t have to be perfect. Be yourself. Enjoy yourself. Love yourself. Stop judging you!  Stop beating yourself up, and give thanks for each breath, for each heartbeat Give thanks for your life, even the broken bits. Those bits make you the amazing person that you are. You are beautiful.

Make Note Of Your Gratitude.

Whether you write your gratitudes in a Gratitude Journal or on pieces of paper that you put Into a jar or on your phone, make note of them. That way, on the tough days, you can look back at them and remember your blessings. Just be grateful for at least one small thing each day. Let your blessings multiply!

By giving thanks each day, invite more of what you are thankful for to show up! It reminds you and others that goodness is always there.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share this with you. To recognize the perfection in the imperfection, the glory in the small and large things in our lives and give thanks for another day to be here, to feel the wind and the sun on my face and the earth beneath my feet.

It is a beautiful day!


If you need a little help focusing on gratitude, you can get my Gratitude For Life Journal to help you see all the big and little joys that exist in your life that bring you happiness. It’s on Amazon (click below)

Gratitude is a life-changer and a happiness-bringer!

Is now the time to allow more happiness into your life?

Is now the time to choose happiness?