Comparison Is The Thief Of Happiness

People around me have been talking to me about happiness and how to create it and maintain it.

In my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities, Possibility Principle Number 4 is Dare to be Happy. It is about discovering what makes you happy.

I came across this quote from former USA President Theodore Roosevelt that said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

As Roosevelt said, comparing yourself to others steals your joy.

Comparing yourself to others rarely makes you happy. You will make yourself wrong for what you perceive is being “less than” those other people are.

When you start believing that you are less than others, you start questioning why you can’t be like that other person.

Let’s face it; there will always be people who are better at something than you are.

Jordan Peterson is the author and narrator of 12 Rules for Life. Peterson’s rule number 4 is “Compare Yourself to who you Were Yesterday, not to who Someone Else is Today”.

And it’s true. Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.

Then you can ask:

  • What would you like to change?
  • Who and what would you like to be?
  • What you have done to change and improve who you were?

Keep making choices to move you to where you would like to be.

And keep asking if making those choices actually makes you happy. Because if it doesn’t, then you need to ask what will make you happy and move to happiness.

Choosing what does not make you happy leads to more unhappiness. Is that what you truly desire? If not, then what else can you choose to move into happiness?

You can Dare to Be Happy!

Choose Happiness!!

Choose for you!


Looking for new possibilities for happiness and living the life you’d love to live? Get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. Come journey through the Possibilities.​ The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon via the button below: