When Was The Last Time You Sang?

When was the last time you sang?

When was the last time you danced?

When was the last time you told a story (or were enchanted by stories)?

When was the last time you sat alone in stillness (or were uncomfortable with being in silence)?

These are four questions the Native American Shaman asks someone who is sick, depressed, or disheartened.

I have also seen the questions phrased as “when did you stop ____?”, as in “When did you stop singing?”, etc.

It is said that whenever we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories and/or began to find difficulty in silence marks a time in our lives in which we have experienced a SOUL LOSS or infraction of the SPIRIT. Soul loss means that we have forgotten or lost parts of who we are and filled in the spaces with what we think we should be.

What created that for you?

Was it the judgment of others?

Was it feeling less than or not enough?

Was it a harsh word from someone else?

Was it something else?

When did it occur? Were you a child? Were you an adult?

What was the start of turning away from that joy of singing and dancing, of telling and listening to stories, of being in the amazingness of stillness and silence?

When did it become wrong?

You see, that’s what happened to me. People told me it was wrong or silly or inappropriate to sing or dance or even to be in silence.

And their judgment made me stop.

So, let me ask you, when was the last time you sang? What stops you?

Are you willing to move beyond that now?

Are you willing to reach for the joy of singing, dancing, telling stories, listening to stories, and being in stillness?

Are you willing to say “Who cares what others think? I am going to do these things that bring me joy!”

You don’t have to do them for other people. You don’t have to have an audience!

Just do them for the sheer fun of it, even if you are all by yourself.

As the saying goes:

Dance as if no one is watching! Sing as if no one is listening!

And enjoy your life!


Looking for new possibilities for living the life you’d love to live? Get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. Come journey through the Possibilities.​

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