Hiding Behind Your Excuses

Are you creating barriers in your life so you can use them as excuses to NOT create?

Are you using them as excuses to NOT do things?

Sometimes we create trauma and drama in our lives just so we can have an excuse to not do certain things, to stay home, to quit, to not participate.

I recently was not feeling well, so I asked myself what was creating this. What came to me was that I didn’t want to attend an event I had signed up for. So I had created illness instead.

So I routinely ask myself now, when I say that I can’t do something “Because of _____” if that is real or if it is an excuse to get me out of doing the event.

What I truly would like to avoid is making myself feel sick or making myself feel incapable just to avoid an event.

Sometimes, no matter how difficult it is to say “No”, you just need to say it rather than inflicting illness on yourself.

Where might you be doing that too?

Remember, “No” is a complete sentence!


For more guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook: Blastoff Into Possibilities