Possibilities – Whispers of Choice

Possibilities are whispers of choices that the universe has available to you.

Possibilities are the invitation to joy and happiness that await you.

Possibilities are the universe nudging you toward the choices and changes that are available to you.

Possibilities allow you to create your life, to create your future.

More possibilities show up when you ask a question and have no fixed judgment of what SHOULD show up. Questions create open the doors to possibilities allowing you to constantly create your life rather than living it based on the past.

Just keep asking questions. Ask “What possibilities exist here that I have not considered or didn’t even know existed?” and see what shows up.

Possibilities are about: “What else can I add to my life?” When you live from that, you will be in a constant state of question. When you are in a constant state of question, a constant state of possibilities show up. Then you are generating your life; you are not creating it.

The universe is an unlimited place with unlimited possibilities. It will give us unlimited answers if we will ask a question, but if we go “the answer is,” we’re dead meat because we have stopped the universe from giving us anything.

When you live from the possibilities, the choices, the questions, and the contribution, your life begins to take on a generative energy that opens doors to different possibilities every single day. Every day people are willing to contribute more to you and you’re willing to contribute more to them. You begin to see how this interconnectedness that exists in the universe is available to us, and that it is desirous of us being conscious and desirous of contributing to us in ways that we have never been willing to receive. Every molecule in the universe has consciousness. It will give us information if we are willing to receive it. You being aware will change everybody around you.

What possibilities are waiting for you?

Invite them to show up!


The Daily Success: Word of the Day is a journal that you can use to focus your thoughts each day on one area that you want to improve in your life or business. It contains contributions from multiple authors who provide you with thoughts and inspirations for the day. Dawn’s chapter is on Possibilities. You can get the Kindle version here and the paperback here.