Energy Of The Autumnal Equinox

September 22 was the Autumnal Equinox, which is the point in the year the Sun illuminates the northern and southern hemispheres equally.

The Autumnal Equinox is the first day of Fall in the northern hemisphere. It is a harvest feast to celebrate and share the abundance of the past season.

It is a time to reflect upon what you have manifested in your life during the growth season of summer and to give thanks for that abundance in whatever form it took in your life. It is about harvesting ALL the Universe has waiting for you.

This is a time when the plants are setting their seeds; making themselves ready for their new cycle. And, just like the plants, you must set yourself, your intentions, and your life to be ready for your new cycle of being.

This is a time of balance, when day and night are of equal length. It is a time for you to ask the Universe and your guides to assist you in using this time to balance yourself and your life.

Think of your life as a scale. Remember everything that is placed on one side of the scale has to have something else placed on the other side to achieve balance. Ask the Universe and your guides to assist in creating and maintaining balance in your life.

Do you balance your personal needs with your commitments to the outside world?

Do you allow yourself to receive as much as you give?

Do you hold on to that which is no longer beneficial in your life rather than releasing it with love and gratitude for its lessons and moving on?

There are so many places in which to achieve balance in your life. Look closely at the balance in your life. Envision the scale. Allow yourself to see where the imbalances are. Now, begin shifting what needs to be shifted or changing what needs to be changed.

Allow yourself to shift the scale — to bring balance into your life and ask your guides to help you create and maintain that balance.

As you bring yourself and your life back into balance; you will harvest more peace of mind, joy, prosperity, and happiness; and less loneliness, chaos, confusion, and frustration.

Autumnal Equinox Ceremony

You can do a ceremony to symbolize the equinox.

You will need a small stone or seed, a crystal of some sort, and dirt to plant your stone/seed.

Take a stone or seed into your hand.

Now, envision the “seeds” of what you wish to plant in your life to bring you balance.

Place the energy of all of that into the stone/seed and bless it.

Now, place the stone/seed into the earth to plant it. This is the time to plant these seeds and ask the Earth Mother to help you bring that energy into your life to help you create balance and new wonderful goals in the coming year, making yourself ready for your new cycle.

Now, take the crystal and hold it in your hand.

Focus on your heart and fill your heart with the gratitude for all that you have in your life … all the abundance you have created and all the lessons you have learned. Let the gratitude flow throughout your body.

Now fill the crystal with that gratitude.

Then, extend that gratitude out to everyone you know — bathing them with your love and gratitude.

Extend it out into the world, bathing all of the beings and creations on Earth with your love and gratitude.

Allow it to extend out into the universe and all universes … into all of creation and feel the peace, love, joy, and gratitude for all that is and of all that is!

This is true Peace, this is true Love, this is true Joy, this is true Gratitude unbound!!

You can keep this crystal with you or put it someplace meaningful to you so you have that energy.

Know that the peace and joy, prosperity and happiness, love and light of the Mother, Father, God are with you always. Hold that knowledge in your heart. Let the crystal remind you of it always. Now let your heart be light and be whole and free and be the love and light of God that you are and have always been.

All is well. All is God.

Blessings to you all.

So be it and so it is.

