May You Live In Interesting Times

“May You Live In Interesting Times”

This phrase is often said to be a Chinese curse because the generally held belief is that if your life is too interesting it is not peaceful and calm and is therefore stressful and unhappy.

Though there is something to be said for that belief, I must say that I have always lived in interesting times.

Now, let me say that I use the word interesting in several ways.

I have seen many amazing things in my life that I will say were quite interesting!

I have traveled to amazing places like the pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, the Grand Canyon in the USA, and many more ….

I have lived through times of distress in our country like the assassination of JFK, 9/11, Challenger explosion, and more.

And I have been part of the Space Program and been (and still am) an energy healer among other things.

I have had stress and happiness, uncertainty and joy, sorrow and fulfillment.

So yes, I have lived in interesting times.

What does that mean to me? What does that mean to you?

It means that I simply keep staying in gratitude as much and as often as I can and asking the universe what is next for me. What can I be and do today to be a contribution to the universe, the Earth, to others, to consciousness and to myself?

And I love the phrase that we use in Access Consciousness®, “How does it get any better than that?®“

“How does it get any better than that?®“ is a great question to ask always—whenever something good happens, or whenever something bad happens. When you ask it when something bad happens, it gets better—because you asked. “Ask and you shall receive” is one of the laws of the universe. It’s one of the ways things work around here. But you have to ask in order to receive.

The universe is begging you to ask. So when you ask, “How does it get any better than this?” the universe can’t wait to show you! (from Access (from the manual for Access Bars®, page 16,

Ask it next time and see what shifts!

And if you are ready to dive in and take a Bars class, I can help you with that!

How does it get any better than that?®



I offer lots of classes to help you shift your energy and consciousness including the Access Bars and others. You can check out my Access profile here and my list of classes here