How Do You Make Them Feel?

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

I began the week’s entry thinking I was just going to send some inspirational sayings.

However, when I came across this one from Maya Angelou, I decided I should say something instead.

How do you make people feel?

Do you encourage and support them?

Do you have their backs?

Do you make them feel that they matter?


Do you criticize them?

Do you tear them down?

Do you judge them?

It’s always your choice.

When you can look at a person, before you open your mouth, consider what you would like to contribute to them. What would you like to leave them with?

Then speak.

And see how it changes the interaction with that person.

You might be surprised not only about how it makes them feel, and also how it makes you feel.

Being a contribution is very nourishing to your being.


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