It’s OK To Do It The Easy Way!

It’s OK To Do It The Easy Way!


It’s true, it really is OK to do it the easy way!

I say that to remind myself that I don’t always have to do things the hard way, the manual way, or all by myself!

Case in point: a couple of our cats have food sensitivities, so the vet suggested either very expensive hypoallergenic cat foods or making the food ourselves.

Now, I used to make cat food for my cats when one of them turned out to be allergic to corn which was and still is an ingredient in many cat foods. So making the food ourselves is an acceptable alternative for us.

So, we bought 4 pounds of chicken last month, baked it, and started grinding it with my great grandmother’s hand-crank food grinder. It went pretty well and the cats loved the food.

A few weeks later we decided to make the food in larger quantities and bought 3 times as much chicken. That’s when the difficulties became much more evident!

The grinder has a clamp that you screw down onto the counter.

When we made the food the first time, it slipped a big, but I managed to keep it in place and ground up all the meat. However, when doing the larger quantity of meat, the slipping became much more frequent and annoying until we finally brought in my husband’s portable workbench from the garage and attached it to that!

The process went better but still kept slipping.

After hours of work, we finally got the food prepared! My husband remarked that perhaps we should get an electric grinder! I said that I didn’t want to waste the money and would continue the manual process.

What, me stubborn!?!? No!!! Of course not!

Well, he took matters into his own hands and ordered the grinder attachment for our Kitchenaid® mixer.

When it came he proudly announced to me that he did it to save us time and aggravation!

I was still skeptical. What’s wrong with the manual way?!? Right????

So today we made cat food with the new grinder and, yes, I must admit, he was right. It worked wonderfully and we finished in less than half the time.

I was reminded of many things from this experience

Indeed, sometimes it’s OK to use the tools and do it the easy way!

It’s OK to stop stubbornly refusing help from others and allow them to assist you! Oh, that’s another big one for me!

Oh, it’s also OK to stop doing it the old way and use a new way!!

It’s even OK to ASK for help!!! Who knew, right?

Even if none of this applies to you, I wanted to share it with you!

Who knows, it might be applicable at some point in your life!!

And it’s OK to do it the easy way and learn from my experience!


Want to know more about questions and how to ask more effective questions? Check out my eBook, 5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!