Don’t Wanna Be A Princess

You may have seen my Facebook post about my sister and I going to the Kennedy Space Center and seeing this shirt. I said I wish I had had this when I was a kid.

As you might suspect, I was not a typical child. I didn’t really WANT to be a princess. It was fun sometimes to play with crowns and wands and sparkly stuff, but I loved science fiction and space stuff!

My parents would wake me up in the middle of the night to watch space launches and walks on the moon when I was little because I loved it so much!

I wanted to be an astronaut! I wanted life to be like on Star Trek where I could fly to new planets and see the stars!

Princess was too mundane!

So I spent 28 years working on the Space Shuttle program. True, it wasn’t as glamorous as the movies however watching launches and seeing the results of all our efforts in getting people into space was exciting.

And watching the new programs as they get started and swing into operational mode is exciting for me too.

PLUS the work that I do now is very fulfilling as well, helping people launch into their new way of life!

So, princess, nope, not for me!

Talk to you next week.