Keep Moving Forward

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” ― Heraclitus

It’s true, you never step in the same river twice because the river moves on and so do you.

The same is true of life. People often desire those around them to stay the same, to not move away or move on, to not venture out into challenges in life. And yet every time you meet a person you are different and that person is different; you have both moved forward … moved on.

People often want the same for their lives, they don’t want a LOT of change or to be uncomfortable, they want that sameness, that familiarity. The proverb “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t” is very real and true for them. They prefer staying in that familiar territory, even when they are miserable, rather than stepping out and taking risks.

Is that you?

Would you rather play it safe and small? Would you rather have “not too much change” in your life? And not too much fun, not too much activity, not too much ….. anything?

Or would you rather move out and move on?

The next time you greet someone, realize that you and that person are both different people than the last time you got together, you have had new experiences, made new changes and new choices, you have moved on just as the river does.

Allow yourself to be grateful for moving on! It’s a gift to you from you and from the universe!

Just keep moving forward!

You are not stuck forever with the choices you have made; you can continually make new and different choices.

You can just keep making choices and changes and allowing your past to slip into the past and your future to be a creation of the life you would love to be living!

Everything is malleable and changeable. How much of your life would you like to have flexible and transformable? How much of your life would you like to enjoy?

Are you willing to embrace change? Are you willing to stop creating your life from your past and to step into the future you would like to create?

Take a life lesson from the Disney film: Meet the Robinsons, “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

So, “keep moving forward” and keep changing!

Join me for my daily FB lives on creating your authentic life. I do them Monday through Friday at 9:30 AM Eastern in the Purple Dawn Group on Facebook. Join me!