Inhale The Future Exhale The Past

Today I ate a Dove chocolate candy. Not a huge revelation there; however the saying in the wrapper was: “Inhale The Future Exhale The Past”.

WOW! Right?

How much stuff am I actually dragging around from the past that I could actually let go?

More than I care to admit apparently.

Let Me Ask You

So let me ask you that question, “How much stuff are you actually dragging around from the past that you could actually let go?”

Stuff like anger and upset with others, things you don’t want to forgive, promises you believe others should eventually keep, and so forth.

My guess is that you have a few of those hanging around.

What is that creating in your life?

When you hang onto anger and upset with others and have things that you refuse to forgive, what does that do to you?

Have you ever heard the saying by Malachy McCourt, “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die”? The same is true of grudges and anger; they are poisoning you, not the person you believe believes to suffer. Those things are only hurting you.

Believe me, I get it. You believe that if you let go of the anger, if you forgive those people, that you are condoning their behavior. That’s not what is at stake here. What I am asking you to consider is releasing the hold that the anger and unforgiveness has on you.

Stop letting it fester. Stop obsessing over it. Demand that you give yourself freedom from that. Unpack that baggage, or heck, throw out the suitcases altogether, and set yourself free.

Expecting Promises to be Kept

Another thing you might have lurking in the corners are promises that you expect others to EVENTUALLY keep.

Yes, note that I said “eventually keep.”

How many years do you wait on those promises to be kept? How likely is it that they will ever be kept?

Let’s face it, if it hasn’t happened within say, 3 or 4 months, it is not likely to ever happen.

But you keep hanging onto the expectation of the fulfilment of the promise and continue being angry with the person who is supposed to deliver it.

You postpone your happiness by putting yourself on hold while you wait.

Look at is this way. It’s kind of like you are taking a vacation. Your destination is, let’s say, Disneyland in California (or somewhere else that is hundreds of miles away for you). You plan to make other stops along the way as you drive to Disneyland. But, you have decided that you will NOT be happy until you visit Disneyland. So all of the other stops just add to your frustration that you have not received the happiness of visiting Disneyland. What good is anything else if only Disneyland will make you happy?

Is that how you want to live your entire life? As if only having people fulfill old promises will make you happy and nothing else will?

I know I don’t want to live like that!

Consider letting those expectations go.

Look at them the way you look at getting a front row parking space at the store. When you get one, great, but when you don’t do you say something like, “Well I guess I was just meant to get a little more walking in today.”?

What if you treated those old promises the same way, if they are ever fulfilled, great, BONUS! And if they aren’t, then just move on and let it go. Actually, let it go NOW and again set yourself free!

Time To Unburden

Let all that stuff go. Stop letting it poison you. Stop letting it control and define you.

Release it and release you from its bonds.

Send it packing!

Unburden yourself.

It is worth it!


Is now the time to make you and your health a priority in your life? You KNOW you are worth it! Honor yourself and put your oxygen mask on first!

Join Dawn’s online event: Reboot Your Boundaries and Your Relationships and learn to set healthy boundaries, reset your relationships and reclaim your life.